Miss Representation
Overall, this video serves as an eye-opener to some of the struggles women go through. There were many topics that were covered within the video such as, women being underrepresented within media and politics, the sexualization and portrayed vulgarity of women through entertainment media, and the expectations of women.
To begin, it's difficult to find a movie or film with a woman protagonist. One of which isn't portrayed as inhuman, one-dimensional, or heavily reliant on others. I realize there are Disney movies with female protagonists, however, the protagonists are usually dependent on others or their prince. As a result, this ultimately demotivates women. Honestly, if I were to see my ethnicity portrayed in a film and they were either portrayed as the bad guys or heavily stereotypical, then I would be demotivated also.
Another thing is the over-sexualization of women within commercials such as popular beer brands. In which the commercials include attractive women to help advertise their product. However, this just devolves into vulgar images and gives the impression that women are just included for the sex appeal.
Finally, if entertainment media doesn't portray women in a negative way, it makes sure to utilize attractive women to help advertise. As a result, the main characters portrayed within advertisements are usually attractive, some with the help of face modifying techniques. Thus, creating an beauty expectation of women by which women are believed to live up to.
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